“Mediator – Arbitrator online and in person”
30 Years of experience of litigation in all courts in the state of California
Attorney / Mediation Expert
The goal in every dispute is to bring it to and end as quickly as possible. Whether it is by lawsuit or trial, a decision by a hired judge or arbitrator, or a mediated agreement, everyone involved wants their disagreement to end. But some methods of resolution can be better than of others.
Why Mediate?
In some cases, the answer is ‘Yes’. It is a valid response when we believe that our fundamental values and principles are at stake in the matter. If nobody is willing to negotiate, and you are not willing to give in, mediation might not be the best option.
But if you are ready for the fight to be over, and you are willing to negotiate, working with an experienced mediator might be your best option.
How soon can mediation end a dispute? How much will it cost. Can it resolve the matter in a more efficient manner, and offer a wide variety of benefits?
Those answers vary from case to case, but more often that not, mediation offers the most efficient path to resolution.
As an experienced mediator, my focus is to sustain relationships, engender trust, and arrive at agreement. My professional legal background makes this possible. Mediation provides a better path to resolution. It saves those involved in the dispute money and time. Mediation is especially ideal in personal injury cases because it allows those involved to express how they feel about their situation.
Insurance companies and claimants have their own goals in mind, but both are usually willing to negotiate a settlement to resolve the matter as quickly as possible – even if that means meeting the other party halfway.
Working with an experienced mediator allows you to discuss your issue confidentially and avoid the hassle of going to court. This way, everyone is able to get back to his or her regular life as quickly as possible.
How Can I Help You?
Whether by lawsuit and trial, a decision by a hired judge or arbitrator, or a mediated agreement, resolution of any dispute requires desire – the parties must want their disagreement to end.
When a dispute is looming or has actually arisen, the first question you must answer is, “Do I want this fight to continue? Sometimes, frankly, the answer is “Yes.” That response is valid, especially when we believe that our fundamental values and principles are at stake in the matter.
But, if the threshold answer is “No,” then the next questions – including “How can this end?,” “How soon?” and “How much will it cost me?” – are ready to be answered.
In mediation, my focus is on sustaining relationships, engendering trust and arriving at agreement. I bring to this effort my professional legal background, including creation of compelling court pleadings and motions and diligent trial preparation. As an arbitrator, I am supported by over two decades of accumulated knowledge of the rules of evidence and black letter law principles in personal injury, family dispute matters, real estate transactions, professional performance (malpractice) disputes, construction defect, premises liability and contract negotiations, including real estate transaction litigation.
I look forward to an opportunity to employ my knowledge, training and experience to assist you when the answer to the very first question is a desire for peace.